
Froxlor Aktualizováno

Je napsaný v PHP, Froxlor funguje na všech POSIX-jako systémy a je ideální nástroj, pokud jste web hosting poskytovatele. Froxlor využívá individuální úrovně přístupu k oddělení majitele serverů, od prodejců a jejich zákazníky. Každý z nich má přístup... 5.0.4 Aktualizováno umožňuje programátorům umístit Node.js-kompatibilní soubory uvnitř složky a musí být schopen přistupovat k nim prostřednictvím Internetu. Turtle zkompiluje soubory a odešle výsledek pro uživatele, stejně jako u webového serveru Node by jen z...


Puppet 4.3.2 Aktualizováno

It also comes with a simple declarative language, and a set of standards-based clients and servers. It works like an automated administrative engine for your Linux, Unix, and Windows systems, performs administrative tasks based on a centralized...


Packer 0.8.6 Aktualizováno

Packer can read on single configuration file and create identical machine/server images for multiple platforms at once. It's great for quickly deploying operating systems, apps, server setups, etc. for various platforms.What is new in this...


WildFly 9.0.1.Final / 10.0.0.CR2 Aktualizováno

WildFly is a continuation of the old JBoss Application Server project, but coded anew from the ground up. It focuses on speed and being as light as possible, providing efficient methods of managing server memory, a light core, and a pluggable architecture...


Sentry 7.7.1 Aktualizováno

Configure Sentry to watch services and it will collect errors and problems inside its dashboard. Developers can then inspect them in detail and take the appropriate course of action. Sentry is a must-have tool for developers performing testing/debugging...


royweb 0.9.3 Aktualizováno

royweb collects data via UDP packets and sends them to a browser via its WebSocket feature.This data is then fed in real-time to a D3.js chart which plots and updates the graph as soon as new data is received.This allows programmers to setup a Web...


RFuse 1.1.1 Aktualizováno

FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace) is a simple interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the Linux kernel. FUSE aims to provide a secure method for non privileged users to create and mount their own filesystem implementations. ...

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