Bugzilla can track bugs and code changes, allow team members to communicate, let them submit and review code patches, and manage quality assurance (QA).
It is a battle-tested bug tracking system, that has proven its worth in real-world scenarios, helping Mozilla developers manage Firefox, Thunderbird, Firefox OS, and SeaMonkey bugs.
The application may be a little hard to setup, but installation instructions are provided.
As for administration tools, Bugzilla comes with support for userbase management, Unicode characters for proper internationalization, an admin panel, workflow management, and many other more.
Bugzilla users can follow desired bugs, follow other users, search through the bug database, assign bugs to desired developers, get reports on recent activities, and get notified via email when bugs are modified or fixed.
Bugzilla is written in Perl and supports multiple databases.
What is new in this release:
- Improved WebServices
- Improved Caching using Memcached
- Ability to Tag Bug Comments
- Improved Bug Group Membership Checking
- Improved Documentation for Users and Administrators
What is new in version 4.4.9 / 3.6.13 / 5.0rc3:
- This release fixes one regression introduced in Bugzilla 4.4.3 by security bug 968576: URLs in bug comments are displayed correctly again.
What is new in version 4.4.8 / 3.6.13 / 5.0rc2:
- This release fixes one regression introduced in Bugzilla 4.4.3 by security bug 968576: URLs in bug comments are displayed correctly again.
What is new in version 4.4.1:
- Internet Explorer 11 and KHTML-based browsers such as Konqueror can now display buglists correctly.
- When editing several bugs at once and moving them into a new product, bugs restricted to a group in the old product could loose these group restrictions in the new product.
- When the password_complexity parameter was set to 'letters_numbers_specialchars', passwords containing numbers and special characters only were accepted. Now it makes sure that a letter is also present.
- Large dependency trees are now displayed much faster.
- When a user has set many votes, the "Votes" page is now displayed much faster.
- The "My Requests" page now correctly uses the AND/OR operator for the requester and requestee fields only instead of using it for all fields.
- With DB servers doing case-insensitive comparisons, such as MySQL, tokens and login cookies were not correctly validated as the case was ignored.
- All security headers (such as X-Frame-Options) are now returned when using XML-RPC.
What is new in version 4.4:
- The tagging system has been redesigned: the old tagging fields in the page footer are gone in favor of a Tags field in the bug itself. Tags remain private and are only visible by you. They can also be used in queries as any other field.
- Bugzilla can now correctly identify uploaded attachments which have a MIME type of application/octet-stream.
- You can now save tabular and graphical reports as you already do with saved searches. Previously, you had to bookmark them in your web browser.
- You can customize columns displayed in whinemails.
- As usual, the WebServices have been improved with several new methods.
- The security has been improved, such as using HMAC SHA-256 to generate tokens instead of MD5.
What is new in version 4.2.5:
- Queries involving commenters were slow to return results. These queries have been optimized for better performance.
- It is no longer possible to create a new bug using a disabled component, target milestone or version. These inactive values are also no longer accessible when moving a bug into another product.
- It was possible to create a new bug with no description despite the status workflow required one for new bugs.
- Custom multi-select fields are now available in the "Search By Change History" section of the "Advanced Search" page.
- A custom select field could have its list of values truncated if one or more of its values were disabled and the visibility of the values were controlled by another field.
- Warnings thrown by Return::Value 1.666002 about this deprecated module and which are polluting the web server error log are now disabled.
What is new in version 3.6.11:
- This release fixes one security issue.
- This release also fixes a problem where an admin could unintentionally break the display of buglists if a custom field description contains a < or > character, because these characters were not filtered.
What is new in version 4.2.2:
- A regression introduced in Bugzilla 4.0 caused some login names to be ignored when entered in the CC list of bugs.
- Some queries could trigger an invalid SQL query if strings entered by the user contained leading or trailing whitespaces.
- The auto-completion form for keywords no longer automatically selects the first keyword in the list when the field is empty.
- A regression in Bugzilla 4.2 prevented classifications from being used in graphical and tabular reports in the "Multiple Tables" field.
- Attachments created by the email_in.pl script were associated to the wrong comment.
- Very long dependency lists can now be viewed correctly.
- Keywords are now correctly escaped in the auto-completion form to prevent any XSS abuse.
What is new in version 4.2.1:
- A new hook named error_catch has been added to let extensions alter the way errors are thrown.
- The 'take' link besides the assignee field now works correctly when the usemenuforusers parameter is turned on.
- Some performance problems have been fixed for installations with many products, components or versions.
What is new in version 4.2:
- Experimental SQLite Support
- Creating an Attachment by Pasting Text Into a Text Field
- HTML Bugmail
- Improved Searching System
- Disabling Old Components, Versions and Milestones
- Displaying a Custom Field Value Based on Multiple Values of Another Field
- Auditing of All Changes Within Bugzilla
- Accessibility Improvements
What is new in version 3.6.8:
- This release fixes two security issues.
- In addition, the following important fix has been made in version 4.4.8 / 3.6.13 / 5.0rc2: Previously, WebServices would only work with JSON::RPC 0.96 or older due to newer versions being incompatible. JSON::RPC 1.x is now supported as well.
What is new in version 4.2rc1:
- This release contains major improvements to search, support for SQLite, improved WebServices, and lots of other enhancements.
What is new in version 4.1.2:
- Extensions can call a web_dir method to get the on-disk path to where web-accessible files should go for the extensions.
- Work to improve Bugzilla's accessibility (per the WAI WCAG) is ongoing.
- There's a new hook in Bugzilla::Install::Filesystem to allow extensions to create their own files, directories, etc.
- Searching by relative dates (like 1d, 1w, etc.) now don't round you off to the beginning of the time period (that is, the beginning of the day, the start of the week) unless you put the letter "s" after them (exception: searching for "0d" or "0w" still gives you the start of that the current day, week, etc.).
- New WebService function: Product.create
- New WebService function: Group.create
- If you change the requestee of a flag that is set to "?", the "requester" will not change.
- install-module.pl now requires a compiler to be installed on the system.
- Update to YUI 2.9.0.
- contrib/bugzilla_ldapsync.rb has been removed (it was non-functional).
- If you are using some authentication method that uses the extern_id field (like LDAP), you can now edit a user's extern_id from the Users control panel.
What is new in version 4.1.1:
- Bugzilla 4.1.1 is our latest development snapshot leading to Bugzilla 4.2.
What is new in version 4.0:
- A fully-redesigned Advanced Search page
- Automatic duplicate detection when filing bugs
- Drop-down autocomplete for every field that accepts a user name or email address
- Full control and retrieval of bugs via the WebService, including updating existing bugs
- Redesigned home page icons from J. Pink Design
- Numerous usability improvements
What is new in version 3.6.4:
- Due to one of the security fixes, Bugzilla 3.6.4 now requires a newer version of the CGI.pm Perl module than previous releases of Bugzilla did. When you run checksetup.pl, it will inform you how to upgrade your CGI.pm module.
- When replying to a comment with a link like "attachment 1234 [details]", the "[details]" link will no longer be duplicated in your reply. (Bug 474766)
- Using Quicksearch no longer requires that the List::MoreUtils module be installed.
- When using config.cgi?ctype=rdf, information about products now includes allows_unconfirmed.
- When using tabular reports, any value whose name started with a period or an underscore wasn't being displayed.
What is new in version 3.6.3:
- General Usability Improvements
- New Extensions System
- Improved Quicksearch
- Simple "Browse" Interface
- SUExec Support
- Experimental mod_perl Support on Windows
- Send Attachments by Email
- JSON-RPC Interface
- Migration From Other Bug-Trackers
- Other Enhancements and Changes
What is new in version 4.0rc1:
- Bugs: When filing bugs, you will now be warned if you forgot to fill in any mandatory fields, before the page is submitted.
- Bugs: When filing a bug, you can hover your mouse over any of the field labels on the page to get a brief description of what that field is and what its purpose is.
- Bugs: When adding Hours Worked to a bug, you are no longer required to comment.
- Bugs: There is now a user preference for whether the comment box appears above or below the existing comments.
- Bugs: Bugzilla will now send an email for every comment that you mark or un-mark as being private. (Previous versions of Bugzilla did not send emails to users about this change.) The state of comments being made private is also now stored in a bug's history.
- Bugs: The box to "Add Bug URLs" in the See Also field is now hidden behind an "(add)" link that you have to click to see the box.
- Searches: You can now properly search for field values that have commas in their name, when using the Advanced Search form.
- Searches: The "URL" field can now be shown as a column in search results.
- Searches: When viewing a search result, you can now click on the Summary of the bug in order to go to the bug-view page, in addition to being able to click on the bug ID.
- Searches: When doing a search using the "quicksearch" box in the header or footer, the box will still contain what you searched for when viewing the search results page.
- Searches: Multi-select custom fields can now be shown as columns in the search results.
- Searches: When using the Boolean Charts (now called "Custom Search"), if you specify both a criterion for an attachment and a criteron for a flag, then only bugs that have attachments with that flag will be found.
- Searches: If you hover your mouse over the field labels on the Advanced Search page, you will get a description of what that field is.
- Searches: When searching via a saved search, if you accidentally click on "Forget Search", there is a link to undo it.
- Searches: When using the Boolean Charts (now called "Custom Search"), you can search for values "greater than or equal to" or "less than or equal to" some value.
- Flags: If you hover your mouse over the name of a flag setter when viewing a bug, you can see that flag setter's full name and complete username.
- Flags: When setting a flag on a bug, the box for entering a requestee does not appear until you set the flag to "?", now.
- Flags: On the "My Requests" page, bugs that are restricted to certain groups now properly have the "padlock" icon shown next to them to indicate that they may contain confidential information.
- When using the Reports interface, you can now choose many more fields as the X, Y, or Z axis of a report, including custom fields.
- Bugzilla now prevents Internet Explorer 8 and later from attempting to render text/plain attachments as HTML.
- If you receive a Whine mail that is empty, there will now be a brief message explaining that your search found no results.
- The Field Help Page now contains a description of every single field that can be on a bug in Bugzilla.
What is new in version 3.6.2:
- Bugzilla installations running on older versions of IIS will no longer experience the "Undef to trick_taint" errors that would sometimes occur.
- Email notifications where missing the dates that comments were made.
- Putting a phrase in quotes in the Quicksearch box now works properly, again.
- Quicksearch was usually (incorrectly) being limited to 200 results.
- On Windows, install-module.pl can now properly install DateTime and certain other Perl modules that didn't install properly before.
- Searching "keywords" for "contains none of the words" or "does not match regular expression" now works properly.
- Doing collectstats.pl --regenerate now works on installations using PostgreSQL.
- The "Field Values" administrative control panel was sometimes denying admins the ability to delete field values when there was no reason to deny the deletion.
- Eliminate the "uninitialized value" warnings that would happen when editing a product's components.
- The updating of bugs_fulltext that happens during checksetup.pl for upgrades to 3.6 should now be MUCH faster.
- email_in.pl was not allowing the setting of time-tracking fields via inbound emails.
- Perl 5.8.1 or higher
- MySQL 4.1.2+ for Bugzilla 3.x
- or MySQL 5.0.15+ for Bugzilla 3.x
- or PostgreSQL v8.03.0000+
- Oracle v10.02.0+
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