
AutomaticMail Aktualizováno

Automatic Mail is an e-mail client that can be used in a batch mode. The software is very convenient for mass mailing, as it can get data from tables. It can send entirely personal messages to receivers, adding receiver's name, city, company name. As a...

SenderMatic emailer

SenderMatic emailer 2.4.96 Aktualizováno

Bulk e-mail sending software for distribution of e-mail newsletters. Incorporates a feature allowing customers to automatically unsubscribe from a list of recipients. Powerful SQL database giving you the ability to manage your e-mail marketing campaigns...

Tube Inteligentní Organizátor je One-Click software pro odesílání e-mailu neomezené cílové publikum. TSP je je jedním z nejvýkonnějších a unikátní software pro hromadné e-mail marketing pomocí YouTube. TSP posílá e-maily s 100% inbox sazby, protože jsme...

Kernel for OST to PST

Kernel for OST to PST 15.9 Aktualizováno

Kernel Exchange OST Recovery Software speedily converts multiple OST files into the PST format files in the single conversion cycle. The software's rich interface has the provision of unlimited saving options, which includes the saving e-mails in a single...