Nový Systémové nástroje Pro Windows 7
DLL-files Fixer allows access to an extensive .dll file library for you to download and install using a simple search-and-click installation procedure, automatically resolving dll-errors. New files are uploaded weekly in time with current developments and...
WebLocker is a free software created by TheYousSoft Corporation. It's a Web Blocker, Anti-Porn, Anti-DNS Leak, Connectivity Fixer. WebLocker is programmed to be compatible with most Windows version: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 (x86 & x64) and it's for...
Free Auto Clicker is a handy program that enables automatically clicking your mouse buttons, making mouse clicks faster and more accurate. It can simulate left & right click to free your hands from repeating time consuming, repetitive & tedious tasks. It...
WinSysClean is cleans, fixes, and optimizes your computer with a single mouse click. The program is safe, using complex analysis to skip important data from removal. Other tools ask you what to delete and what not to, which takes time and sometimes means...
BitHealer Optimizer all-in-one PC optimalizace nástroj, se specializuje na One-Click řešení pro detekci, čištění, opravy, zrychlit a nakonec chránit PC. Toto světlo, ale výkonný desktop monitor může uvolnit paměť jedním kliknutím na hladké PC s operačním...
Vlastnosti CleanStart:
Rychle detekovat a odstranit soubory cookie webové prohlížení a další dočasné soubory na vašem počítači s jedním, jednoduchým kliknutím. Tento proces zlepšuje celkovou rychlost surfování a zatížení časy snížením použité...
Warp Free Registry Cleaner Software může pomoci váš počítač běžet jako nový. Použijte Warp Registry Cleaner čistit a optimalizovat registr Windows odstraněním staré, poškozené nebo jinak poškozená data, která je udržet váš počítač spuštění optimálně. Warp...
Windows Explorer Tracker is used to trace/monitor and record the operations in Windows Explorer automatically, such as "Delete", "Rename", "Create", "Insert", "Add" and "Remove" actions of files, folders, drives and storage media, you can also use it to...
Easy Label Printer is a simple program for printing addresses on to sheets of labels. You can type in new addresses, or add addresses directly from Windows or Google Contacts or a CSV file. You can print a single label anywhere on the sheet, whole pages,...
UPCleaner is the best PC optimizer with industry-leading technology, it doesn't only serve as a free computer cleaner that can clean junk files, but also a malware removal tool which can protect you from any online threats.What is new in this...