Head Meta Data

Head Meta Data 20151110 Aktualizováno

Head Meta Data adds a special page in the admin panel, under the "Settings" section, where webmasters can set which meta tags are included in the head section of their site. The page also acts as a central hub where the tags' content can be modified...


WP-Championship 6.1 Aktualizováno

WP-Championship allows webmasters to define groups of players, add real teams, take pick'em choices, add match results, and generate a final standing. A custom number of groups and points given to the winner of a match can also be defined, just in...

WP Migrate DB

WP Migrate DB 0.7.1 Aktualizováno

Besides just producing a database dump file, it will also allow the user to replace URL and paths, corresponding to the new location the DB is installed to. It even takes into account serialized data and updates the string length...

Feed Them Social

Feed Them Social 1.9.1 Aktualizováno

Feed Them Social will allow a webmaster to embed his social activity from various social networks in page or posts. The plugin is very easy to customize and configure, automatically generating the shortcode needed to retrieve and embed the person's...

Simple Ajax Chat

Simple Ajax Chat 20151110 Aktualizováno

Simple Ajax Chat will allow webmasters to have a system where site visitors can talk to each other or the editors in real-time. Can be embedded in posts and pages via a shortcode or template tag. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the...

User Submitted Posts

User Submitted Posts 20150808 Aktualizováno

'User Submitted Posts' can be used on community blogs where users submit new posts and an admin publishes them online after moderating and/or spell-checking them. Can also be configured to automatically publish user submitted posts, but that...

WordPress SMS

WordPress SMS 3.1.0 Aktualizováno

The WordPress SMS plugin allows users to subscribe via their telephone number and get blog updates via SMS. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in...

WP Restaurant Manager

WP Restaurant Manager 1.0.7 Aktualizováno

WP Restaurant Manager combines different WordPress plugins together to provide all their functionality bundled in one single product. Webmasters that install this plugin don't only benefit from a menu management system, a business administration...

Contact Form To DB

Contact Form To DB 1.5.1 Aktualizováno

Contact Form To DB was crafted specifically to work with BestWebSoft's Contact Form plugin and provides a fail-safe mechanism in case there's a problem delivering the messages or the admin reaching his inbox. Messages can be consulted at any...


WP-FB-AutoConnect 4.1.2 Aktualizováno

The login interface can be customized using CSS. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.What is new in this release:Change the default display_name...