The player is powered via Reddit and YouTube, assembling the playlists from Reddit music topics, the songs from the recommendations on those topics, and the actual song source file via YouTube.
One or more playlists can be activated to show their content in the track selection section, allowing users to aggregate music from one or more genres together.
The subreddits can easily be added or removed via the player's source code, while filters allow the user to view hot, new or top recommended songs on Reddit. Additional filters also allow the user to view today's, this week's, this month's, this year's, or all time recommended songs.
The song volume can't be controlled, but tracks can be paused or skipped whenever needed.
A special button is also included, which shows the YouTube video from where the audio track has been pulled inside a popup window.
What is new in this release:
- Clean up comment styles
- Add moderator color for comments
- Add submitter color for comments
What is new in version 0.5.10:
- Mobile UI is now cleaner; hiding thumbnails on very small phones and tiny tweaks
- Shuffle button shuffles your current playlist once per click
- Getting more music is now more performant
What is new in version 0.4.0:
- Message if no subreddits are selected
- Started on Windows 8 Store build
- Added Github link on titlebar
- New homepage with features, sharing and shortcuts
- New icon
- Node.js
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